That ONE thing: Passion Projects for students

You are receiving this email because you indicated that you were interested in receiving "THAT ONE THING". I know you're a busy parent, so "That one thing", a regular email blast, includes ONE SIMPLE TASK that you can do each week to feel empowered through systems, routines, & intentions. I will be sharing one simple task with you each time, and if YOU have one simple task to share with other parents that you have discovered, PLEASE share it with us so that we can empower more moms and dads!


I hope this week finds you well. Please know that I am thinking of you. Perhaps we've never met in person. Maybe it's been a while since we worked together in one of my parent coaching programs. It's also possible that our paths haven't crossed at all. But, for some reason, you thought it was important to join my community. And, because of this - I appreciate you and I am always thinking of you.


Here is "THAT ONE THING" that you can do this week: PASSION PROJECTS

You may already be wondering how "PASSION PROJECTS" fits into my work as the "Systems, Routines, & Intentions" lady:).

This isn't just a plug to get you to join my newest program (though if your interest is indeed sparked and you have a high school daughter who'd like to join, I will not stop you!!).

Though I do actually have a group program for students who are interested in working on Passion Projects under my guidance, I believe in the power of passion projects for all ages, whether you have a daughter in preschool, or you are considering starting a project yourself. Of course this will look different for each person and for each age group, but the goal is the same: to spend time learning more about the world around you and therefore, learn more about yourself in the process!

What is a Passion Project?

It may be easiest to explain what a Passion Project is in "dinosaur terms". LOL. Surely, you either have a child or have seen a child who is completely obsessed with DINOSAURS, right?! You know - that kid who takes a plastic dinosaur with her wherever she goes. The kid who only wants to read about dinosaurs. The girl who draws pictures of dinosaurs and wants dinosaur coloring books. She asks twelve questions a day about what dinosaurs ate, what color they were, how big they were. She tells you facts about dinosaurs that you probably weren't even curious about but somehow now you find absolutely fascinating. Dinosaurs are her PASSION! Somehow, with busy lives, we get away from that same curiosity and drive to just learn more and dive deeply into a topic. I want to bring that passion back into our girls' lives!

So, the "routine" here? That "OneThing" you can do this week to empower your daughter? It's simple - regularly set aside time for your daughter to dream. Her "passion" and her "passion project" is just that - HERS - so she needs space to figure out exactly what that is. Will she dive into a desire to understand dinosaurs on a deeper level? Will your 7 year old want to know more about the personal story of her favorite singer? Will your 12 year old feel a pull to teach herself how to play the banjo which will lead her to want to understand the history of the banjo?!

Check out more on how to help your daughter find her "passion" HERE.


Do you have a 9th, 10th, or 11th grade student? You might be interested in hearing more about out "GROWING THROUGH PASSION PROJECTS" program, created specifically for students in our FOREIGN SERVICE community.

Consider joining our Growing through Passion Projects

Enroll your high school daughter in our intentionally tiny cohort community where she can expand her creativity, deepen her appreciation of herself, and create a project that will push her out of her comfort zone as she explores her interests. Imagine if your daughter had the space and support she needed to grow into the strong and confident human that you know already exists inside her.

Check out the link above for details, shoot me an email at, or even schedule a 15 minute Zoom to chat more!! I'd be more than happy to chat with you!

Empowered Parents Empowering Daughters

Read more from Empowered Parents Empowering Daughters

You are receiving this email because you indicated that you were interested in receiving "THAT ONE THING". I know you're a busy parent, so "That one thing", a weekly email blast, includes ONE SIMPLE TASK that you can do each week to feel empowered through systems, routines, & intentions. I will be sharing one simple task with you each week, and if YOU have one simple task to share with other parents that you have discovered, PLEASE share it with us so that we can empower more moms and dads!...