Resending: Here it is: that ONE thing

You are receiving this email because you indicated that you were interested in receiving "THAT ONE THING". I know you're a busy parent, so "That one thing", a weekly email blast, includes ONE SIMPLE TASK that you can do each week to feel empowered through systems, routines, & intentions. I will be sharing one simple task with you each week, and if YOU have one simple task to share with other parents that you have discovered, PLEASE share it with us so that we can empower more moms and dads!


I hope this week finds you well. Please know that I am thinking of you. Perhaps we've never met in person. Maybe it's been a while since we worked together in one of my parent coaching programs. It's also possible that our paths haven't crossed at all. But, for some reason, you thought it was important to join my community. And, because of this - I appreciate you and I am always thinking of you.


No matter the kind of week I'm having, I'm always energized by a good quote. I hope the following quote will inspire you as well.

"You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to nobody." ~Maya Angelou


And, finally, this is what you came here for:-) Here is "THAT ONE THING" that you can do this week:

Ask yourself - yes, really - OUT LOUD - ask yourself how you can remind yourself of your importance. You are enough. You have nothing to prove to your colleagues. You have nothing to prove to your children. You have nothing to prove to your friends. The simple fact that you exist means that you are worthy of love and kindness. "You alone are enough".

Now, for the "routine" that you can put into place to remind yourself that you, in fact, are "enough". Oh come on, you knew this was coming - I'm the "Systems, Routines, & Intentions" lady. LOL!

To set your routine, decide on the following:

  1. When? Make this is daily routine. Can you remind yourself that you are enough when you wake? Before bedtime?
  2. Where? Make it easy to follow through. Can you stand in front of a mirror to say it? Before you roll out of bed?
  3. How? Make it detailed. Will you scream at your reflection? Will you whisper it under the covers?
  4. Why? Make it relevant. What effect will believing that YOU ARE ENOUGH have on your life? How will you feel?

I'd love to hear from you! If you implement a new routine, share it with me! If you know of someone else who might benefit from one of the plans for new routines, systems, or intentions that have been mentioned in our weekly email connections, please forward this email to her! Then, she can add herself to our mailing list HERE!


Are you looking for a fun connection that offers some accountability?

Consider joining our Empowered Parents Circle Membership Community! I don't think I've ever been more excited about a project than I am with my Parent Membership Community that I'm launching. It's a community that I've always dreamed of and it's all virtual. My goal is to create a warm environment for parents to find parenting support via BOTH individualized coaching AND community. This is not a "download the course materials and follow along all alone" kind of community. Instead, its a community based on connection and each member is vetted to ensure we each add value. Applications are being taken now (and shhh....the monthly rate is super affordable during our "soft launch" and if you join now, your rate is guaranteed for as long as you remain in our Circle)!! Check out the link above for details, shoot me an email at, or even schedule a 15 minute Zoom to chat more about what our Circle looks like and offers!! I'd be more than happy to chat with you!

Empowered Parents Empowering Daughters

Read more from Empowered Parents Empowering Daughters

You are receiving this email because you indicated that you were interested in receiving "THAT ONE THING". I know you're a busy parent, so "That one thing", a regular email blast, includes ONE SIMPLE TASK that you can do each week to feel empowered through systems, routines, & intentions. I will be sharing one simple task with you each time, and if YOU have one simple task to share with other parents that you have discovered, PLEASE share it with us so that we can empower more moms and dads!...